A game combining adventure and Puzzle solving into an infinte amaout of mazes! Released in 1984 in japan it became a smash hit there withs its abundance of secrets and rumors floating around it. The draw of the game was not only playing it but solving it! Working together with friends or even stranges to find out what to do next! Helping eachother beeat bosses, find hiden treasutres, and see how far you can get. It's a game that could only thrive in its time. Before instant searching of any issue you ahd in a game became the norm. However, what caused it to thrive it japan lead to its failure in the USA. The games confsing gamplay and absurd secrets lead many to just ignor it and give up on it. Its legancy still lives on, even if you don't see it, as it's gamplays and sceret basiclly invented the dungeon crawling gerne as we know it and inspired games that went on to become legendary.
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